The case of a young man from the province of Punjab exposes the
lethargic and arrogant attitude of the government, the doctors and the
influence of police.

The chief minister secretariat of Punjab province has formed the
medical board for his treatment after three months of the death of
Mr. Ali Usman, aged 29, son of Muhammad Aslam Bhatti, resident of
Hussainabad, Chiniot, Punjab, was abducted by five men on 9 July 2012.
According to the eye witnesses he was abducted on the motor bikes and
blind folded. It is said that abductors were known informers of the
local police. The victim was kept in a private torture cell on the
suspicion of having illicit relationship with the wife of one the
accused persons. For nine days he was tortured with an electric drill on
his legs and sexual parts to get confessional statement that he had
illicit relationship with Mr. Muhammad Yaqoob’s wife.
The victim died of his injuries after five months as police allegedly
used all its influence to ensure that he could not get medical
treatment. The two government hospitals refused to provide him treatment
and at the end he died, lying on the veranda of Allied Hospital,
Faisalabad, Punjab province. The secretariat of the chief minister has
written a letter to the hospital where the authorities refused to
entertain him by saying that they can also write such letters.
The detail of the story of the ordeal faced by the deceased and his family is as follows:
The victim, Ali Usman, was a textile worker at Sadaqat Textile mills
and the perpetrators were suspicious of his illicit relationship with
the wife of an accused person. He was abducted by Muhammad Yaqoob Machi,
Javed alias Gorilla, Mazher Ali Lohna and two unknown persons in the
day time from outside Usman's house. Next day, his father Muhammad Aslam
tried to file a complaint of abduction at the local police station, the
Chiniot City Thana, police officials refused to file a case of
abduction. The First Information Report (FIR)
was recorded after 35 days of the incident by the intervention of the
District Police Officer (DPO), the highest police officer of the
district of Chiniot.
After nine days of his disappearance he was dumped at the doorsteps
of his house in very critical conditions and unconscious. His whole body
was in blood. His father took him to the local police station where
police officials again refused to make police report for medical
treatment. The father than took his injured victim at 3.30 A.M. to
District Head Quarter (DHQ) hospital of Chiniot district where next day
doctors provided him first aid and and a blood trransfusion. The next
few days he was remained under treatment however doctors said he could
not survive further so he must be shifted to another hospital, the
Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, 35 kilometer away from his city, for better
and modern treatment. The local media published reports on the matter
that can be viewed here and here.
At the allied hospital Faisalabad the doctors refused to treat Usman
without the permission of the police. After a long discussion the
Medical Superintendent (MS) of the hospital intervened and instructed to
treat the victim. He was taken to the emergency unit initially and from
there to the Operation Theater. But the Plastic Surgeon was not there,
so next day Usman was physically removed from the hospital by the staff.
He was again sent to DHQ hospital Chiniot where he was kept for three
days and again was discharged without treatment. The police and their
informers were always following the victim and used their influence on
the hospital authorities. The family members of the victim told the
media about the whole story. They were shuttled between DHQ hospital
Chiniot and Allied hospital for more than two times. During those visits
the Plastic Surgeon of the Allied Hospital Faisalabad, Dr. Zahid
Mehmood Rana, once attended him and advised them to keep the victim at
home for 12 days and provide good food so that he can have blood in the
body. But following the doctor's instructions when they returned the
staff refused to admit Usman at the same hospital.
The father of the victim, Mr. Bhatti, then met the deputy commission
(DCO) and informed the entire ordeal the DCO called Medical
Superintendent of Chiniot hospital and instructed to provide the all
best possible treatment. However when victim and his father went to DHQ
hospital of the doctors again refused to provide treatment. Bhatti has
also written application to Commissioner of Faisalabad who had not taken
any notice of the application.
The father took the victim along with him to Lahore on October 15,
2012, which was more than 100 kilometers from his house, to meet the
Chief Minister of Punjab province where the secretary to the minister
has given one letter in the name of Allied Hospital Faisalabad and
instructed on behalf of chief minister to provide the victim with all
possible treatment. Bhatti again went to Allied Hospital Faisalabad
where he was again refused and doctors told him they they do not believe
such persons like chief minister or his staff. He then again went on
October 22 Chief Minister House in Lahore where the Secretary shown his
apathy by saying what he can do the doctors have to do the treatment. He
held a demonstration before the Lahore press club which was covered by
media. After several days waiting any help from the government then he
again took many people with him and held another demonstration before
the Press Club Lahore. This time he was given the live coverage at
different TV channels. But nothing has happened.
On December the condition of the victim deteriorated and he was taken
to Allied Hospital Faisalabad where after eight hours he died of his
wounds in the veranda of the hospital and doctors refused to admit him.
In the month of March 2013, the father received a letter
from the Nishter Hospital of Multan asking him and his son to be
present before medical board for the enquiry so that victim may be
treated. He received the letter after three months of his death the
letter was bearing the date of January, according to the directions of
the Chief Minister's office.
SUGGESTED ACTION:Please write a letter to the given
authorities calling them to initiate a judicial inquiry in to the death
of a young by the torture of informers of the police and through the
sheer negligence of government hospitals. Please urge them to prosecute
the responsible doctors and medical staff for the killing of a young
man. Also urge them to provide the compensation and justice to the
family members of the victim.
The AHRC writes a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteure on
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
calling for his intervention into this matter.
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