Everything in this panoramic world is changing. There is a saying
that as one bank of a river collapses, the other bank builds up. From
the dawn of human civilization until today so many new, prosperous human
settlements, so many impressive towns and cities, ports and
metropolises have sprung up. After a period of glorious existence, they
have crumbled in the ravages of time. They have turned into ruins, mere
relics to be researched by inquisitive historians.
This pattern of change is not restricted to the realm of physicality,
the psychic world has also undergone many changes, many
transformations. The difference between the thought patterns of those
primitive people who in the earliest stage of human civilization first
thought of building a human society and those of people today is vast
In the primitive age, society was matriarchal. Although in that
ancient society both men and women were granted equal freedom, in
practical life women were given greater importance. As women’s dominance
increased more and more in the course of time, the whole social
structure came to be matriarchal and founded on a matrilineal order. In
that prehistoric age, as I have said on earlier occasions, people would
identify themselves with their mothers. While introducing themselves
they would mention the names of their mothers, grandmothers and
great-grandmothers. These are signs of a matrilineal order. Together
with that came the matriarchal system, that is, property was handed down
from mother to daughter. Thus the matrilineal order as well as the
matriarchal system continued for quite a long time. Traces of the
matrilineal order and matriarchal social system can be found even today
in south India, especially in Kerala, Mizoram and some other hilly
regions of eastern India.
Like everything else, human society undergoes change. Over time, out
of historical necessity as various individual and collective problems of
society cropped up, the pattern of men’s dominance, as opposed to that
of women, became prevalent. It is likely that the importance of physical
strength increased in the process of solving the internal problems of
society and of resisting external attack. Thus, just as at one time the
matrilineal and matriarchal social system evolved to meet a particular
historical necessity, similarly, to meet another type of historical
necessity, there arose the patrilineal and patriarchal social order.
From then on, all power became concentrated in the hands of a gotrapitá
[patriarch] instead of a matriarch. In Indian history, such a period of
social transition occurred at the time of Lord Shiva.
With the establishment of male dominance in the society, all power
was concentrated in the hands of men. Women were gradually deprived of
all their rights – social, cultural, religious, political and economic.
Some religious preceptors declared in the name of God that women were
inferior to men in all respects and issued many commandments against
them. Everyone knows that many litterateurs, philosophers and novelists
wrote remarks that degraded women. As a result of all this, on the one
hand male lawmakers formulated many social regulations, penal codes and
so on against women, and on the other hand women began to curb their own
rights by thinking and saying, “We women are weak, we cannot undertake
such huge tasks as men; how can we women solve such big and complex
problems?” “My God! This is work for men, how can we women accomplish
this?” As a result of harbouring such weak thoughts, women lost their
self-confidence. You know the proverb, “As you think, so you become.” If
one analyses deeply the annals of the past two thousand years in both
the East and the West, one sees that women, compared to men, could not
achieve any great work in the different spheres of life.
Fortunately, nothing is permanent in this world. Times are changing;
human psychology is also changing; and along with the psychology, the
trend of history is also changing. Because history is the expression of
collective human psychology. Men today are beginning to realize that
women can no longer be treated as commodities. Those days are gone.
Women, too, are thinking, “We will no longer remain weak, feeble or
inactive. We will no longer passively tolerate injustice, torture,
exploitation, insults and hatred at the hands of male exploiters.” The
women’s liberation movements in the East and West have originated out of
this changed collective psychology. The auspicious signs of the
awakening of women are clearly visible in every sphere of social life.
Those who are sympathetic to all humanity will surely admit that all
animate and inanimate entities are the creation of the Supreme Father.
He gave to everyone intelligence, competence and physical power. Hence,
all men and women have the right and opportunity to establish themselves
in society, depending on their sincere endeavour. Today that
opportunity has come to women. Now there is not much opportunity to use
physical might. This is the age that gives importance to the intellect.
People can see there is no longer much emphasis given to physical
strength – more is given to the intellect. In previous ages, people
wielded ordinary hammers with their immense strength, but today they
operate electric hammers a thousand times more powerful pressing a
simple button. That is, the importance of physical strength has
dwindled, and the importance of intellectual strength has increased. So
the physical advantages that were used by the male-dominated society to
drive the steamroller of oppression over women, today just will not do.
In this changed social atmosphere, the future of women is bright. The
common masses will awake, their self-confidence and intelligence will
increase. The way of writing history will be changed. Already it has
started to change. In the future it will change more. You should
remember that no one in human society is negligible. The life of a
hundred-year-old widow also has value in this universe. She should not
be neglected or unwelcome. We have not given her due honour or service,
wrongly thinking she is a burden to the world. This is an example of our
ignorance; it is not her fault.
Everything can be explained by some historical necessity. We have not
put our minds to this task. Had we really bothered to do so, we would
have discerned that behind every incident, behind each and every crest
and trough of events, there lies a historic purpose. If we think deeply
we shall find the historic purpose and shall see that nothing is useless
or purposeless. Everything happens for some great future possibility.
A great change is coming in the collective psychology. The value of
intellectuality is increasing as compared to physical strength. And it
is not that intellect is only for a handful of people, it is increasing
in the whole collective body. That is how the change is coming. The pace
of this change will accelerate more and more.
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