Our project on advocacy and research on ESR is already
on its second and final year. This is an outline of the activities of the first
year of it.
Horizontal activities
1. Scope and general actions. As the project is not academic but action oriented, it has focused
on developing regional networks by linking grassroots NGOs and legal experts,
so as to support local advocacy and litigation. Therefore, two regional groups,
one Latin American and one African have been formed in the aftermath of two
successful regional conferences. One of them has been held in San
Juan, Argentina
(see below B-1) in April 2012 and the
other in Lagos, Nigeria in May 2012. These events
involved an opportunity for lawyers across the two continents to engage with
developments in ESR advocacy and litigation.
Both regional groups are supported by a Blog dedicated to their
activities and, more generally, on the presentation of the project and the
dissemination of its outcomes.
2. Training workshops.
Another essential element of the project is the organization of training
workshops, especially aimed to judges and other legal practitioners. One, aimed
especially to African judges has been already held in Kenya (see
below, B-5) and another, more universally oriented is scheduled for next
November in Åbo, Finland (see below, B-3). Training will enable judges and lawyers to
understand what is possible and developments that are occurring around the
3. Case-Law Library A major horizontal
activity of the project is the organization of a case law library. A number of
representative decisions are collected and will be presented and analyzed so as
to extract useful conclusions on the efficiency of legal mechanisms for the
implementation of ESR. Initially the decisions are presented at the Blog of the
Project, but they will be finally collected in a printed volume.
4. Coordination with the International
Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). Part of the grant has been used
to fund related activities of the International Association of Constitutional
Law, such as its Web Page, which will also present analytically the project on
ESR. The president of the IACL, Prof. Martin Scheinin, has personally travelled
in December 2011 to Pretoria
in order to ensure the successful linkage of the other activities of the
Association with the project.
B- National activities
B-1 Argentina
1. The basic
activity in Argentina has
27 April 2012 in
San Juan, in association with the Institute of Constitutional
Law, Procedural Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the
Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Cuyo (San Juan, Argentina).
The seminar was
organized under the direction of Professors George Katrougalos (Greece), Víctor Bazán (Argentina) and Marcelo Figueiredo (Brazil).
speakers attended the event, as detailed below:
Argentina: Víctor Bazán and Mario Midón.
Brazil: Marcelo Figueiredo, Luis G. Arcaro Conci, Carlos Goncalves Junior,
Paulo João
Pessoa and Konstantin Gerber.
Chile: Gonzalo Cavallo Aguilar.
Colombia: Julio Cesar Ortiz Gutiérrez.
Greece: George Katrougalos.
Panama: Salvador Sánchez.
Paraguay and Mexico: Jorge
Silvero Salgueiro.
Peru: César Landa Arroyo.
The seminar was
divided into four panels, each of which focused respectively the following
• The Protection of Social Rights in
Latin-America in Global Perspective: Constitutionalization, Justiciability and
other Non-Judicial Mechanisms of Protection.
• Similarities and differences between
the judicial activism of courts in Latin-American Countries.
• Dialogue between international
public law and comparative law with national courts in Latin- America.
• Material and procedural issues
relating to Constitutional Remedies.
To the seminar
participated more than 350 people, including lawyers, judges, professors,
researchers and students.
The panels
addressed issues such as the concept, historical and jurisprudential
developments of the Economic and Social Rights (ESR) in Latin-America and in Europe.
2. A selection case –law is collected and prepared for the case law
B-2 Brazil
A petition was
filed at the Brazilian Congress regarding the need of Brazil to
ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (with the Protocol and the Declaration of Jurists of IACL
Blog attached), in order to foster public hearings about this subject matter.
The petition has been translated into English and follows attached.
Case Law Library
29 cases of
Brazilian Federal Supreme Court have been selected for the Case Law Library.
Lectures and Papers
The following
papers have been written and presented on the conferences organized in the
framework of the project. They will be published on the Blog of the project
after having been translated in English.
Figueiredo, Carlos Gonçalves Júnior, Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci, João Paulo
Pessoa and Konstantin Gerber were the speakers from Brazil
at the Social Rights’ Protection International Seminar at San Juan, Argentina,
April, 2012.
Figueiredo - “The Concept, the Comprehensiveness and the Protection of Social
Rights in Brazil and some
characteristics of these rights in South America.
The role of the Commission and of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in
the defense of the DESC (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)”
Carlos Gonçalves
Júnior - “Brazilian Judicial Construction Progress: the cases of lack of
statute (nonfeasance) and the judicial review analysis”
Gerber - “Social Rights’ protection in Brazil: doctrine, litigation and
Roberto Baptista
Dias da Silva and Gabriela Cruz – “Nursery school and elementary education as
constitutional duties of municipalities”
B-3 Finland
Finland is one
of the two European focus countries, partly because of its relatively strong
economy during the current financial crisis, partly because its almost unique
experience of going through, in the early 1990s, a parallel process of
restructuring the public and national economy and the inclusion in the
constitution of justiciable provisions on economic and social rights. While the
actual project activities in Finland
are planned for the second project year, during the first year the project
proceeded through a number of preparatory steps:
1. For the case law library, a fairly large
selection of some 40 cases was made, with short English summaries. Work
continues towards a final selection on the basis of choosing the cases that are
most interesting for a comparative perspective.
2. The University of Helsinki (Prof. Tuomas Ojanen, constitutional
law) was identified as partner for a training course for Finnish judges on the
justiciability of economic and social rights. This one-day training event will
be arranged on 29 April 2013 with the following speakers:
- Prof. Martin
Scheinin, President of the IACL: Justiciability of economic and social rights
in a comparative perspective
- Dr. Jarna
Petman, member of the European Committee of Social Rights: Case law under the
European Social Charter
- Prof. Tuomas
Ojanen: The significance of the European Convention on Human Rights and the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights for the justiciability of economic and
social rights
- Ms. Maija
Sakslin, Deputy Ombudsperson: Economic and social rights in EU law.
3. The Åbo Akademi University Institute for
Human Rights was identified as a partner for a week-long training course on the
justiciability of economic and social rights, to be arranged 12-16 November
2012. Judges or lawyers from the other focus countries are being recruited as
participants of the course. See
4. While Finland is an
active proponent of the strengthening of international human rights treaties,
including through the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, it tends to ratify new treaties and
protocols with a delay. This is due to the relatively scarce resources
allocated to securing officia translations into the two national languages,
Finnish and Swedish, and a complicated process of consultation. As part of the
project, advocacy for the ratification of the Optional Protocol is ongoing.
Here, the Finnish League for Human Rights was identified as local partner.
B-4 Greece
Greece is the other European focus countries, selected exactly because of
its special position during the current
financial crisis, and the challenges the latter poses to the actual
implementation of social rights.
1. Therefore,
emphasis has been on public litigation and advocacy, in co-operation with
EKPODI, an active NGO in this field.
Prof. George Katrougalos has pro bono prepared a petition before the
Committee of the European Social Charter for the Confederation of Public
Servants in Greece
regarding the implications of the austerity measures on the right to social
security. The decision of the Committee is expected in the forthcoming week. A
number of related articles have been published to the legal and political
2. A questionnaire has been prepared as the
basis for the collection of decisions for the
case law library. A fairly large
selection not only of Greek cases but from constitutional courts from all Europe was made, with short English summaries. Work
continues towards a final selection on the basis of choosing the cases that are
most interesting for a comparative perspective.
3. The EKPODI has been engaged in an advocacy
campaign towards the adoption of the
Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
The acting
coordinator of the project, Professor George Katrougalos, has ensured the
harmonization of the overall national activities with the general scope of the
B-5 Kenya
Kenya has passed its new Constitution in 2010. It is currently undergoing
a major process of vetting judges to ensure that they are independent and not
corrupt. The role of the judiciary has changed and many judges are unfamiliar
with adjudication on the basis of fundamental rights. A judicial training
institute has been set up to help train judges to become accustomed to their
new role. There is also very little jurisprudence thus far in Kenya relating
to socio-economic rights. In this context, it was decided that litigating
without ensuring that judges and lawyers understood how to engage with
socio-economic rights would not be wise. As a result, the focus for Kenya, it was
decided would be on training.
The African Center for International Legal and
Policy Research (CILPRA) was appointed as the Kenyan partner for the project in
question. Together with Prof David Bilchitz,
a training programme was organised for some of the top judges in Kenya between
10-12 July 2012.
Training Workshop
The basic Kenyan
activity was the organization of a training workshop for judges.
Attendees at the
training workshop included between 10-12 of the most senior judges in Kenya including
the Chief Justice. There were two judges from the Supreme Court, two from the
Court of Appeals, and the Heads of Divisions of the High Court.
Supreme Court:
1. The Hon. the Chief Justice
2. The Hon. Lady Justice Njoki Ndung’u
Court of Appeal:
3. The Hon. Lady Justice Martha Koome
4. The Hon. Lady Justice Hannah Okwengu
Presiding Judges
of the Divisions of the High Court:
5. Criminal – the Hon. Mr. Justice
Mbogholi Msagha (Principal Judge);
6. Civil – the Hon. Mr. Justice H.P.G.
7. Family – The Hon. Mr. Justice G.B.M.
8. Commercial and Admiralty – the Hon.
Mr. Justice D. K. Musinga
9. Judicial Review – the Hon. Mr.
Justice Mohammed Warsame
10. Land and Environmental – the Hon. Lady
Justice Philomena Mwilu
11. Leader, Judiciary Transformation
Secretariat – the Hon. Mr. Justice (Prof.) Joel Ngugi
12. The Judiciary Training Institute – the
Hon. Mr. Justice P. Kihara Kariuki
We managed to
bring together an excellent team of facilitators from South Africa, Kenya,
Uganda and the United States
who have expertise on particular aspects of SERs and public interest
1. Justice Albie Sachs
2. Prof David Bilchitz
3. Dr Godfrey Musila,
4. Prof Christopher Mbazira
5. Mr Nicholas Orago,
6. Ms Nkatha Murugi
7. Prof Andrew Scherer
The programme
ran over three days and included discussion on a range of topics. The
discussion was divided into more general themes relating to socio-economic,
specific rights and public interest litigation. The first part included
discussion of the philosophical foundations of socio-economic rights; constitutional
models including Kenya;
international law, with a special focus
on the Kenyan Constitution; different approaches to giving content to
socio-economic rights; separation of powers; and remedies. The second part
involved discussion on the rights to adequate housing, food, health-care and
education. Unfortunately, there was not sufficient time to cover the rights to
water and social security. The last part of the programme addressed public
interest litigation and the new approach required by the Kenyan judiciary.
The programme
also included an address by Justice Albie Sachs on the process of adjudicating
socio-economic rights claims. Justice Sachs’s excellent speech took judges
through the ways in which judges think about and collaborate in a judgment on
these issues. Andrew Scherer who was sent by the International Senior Lawyers
Project, addressed issues relating to public interest litigation.
The judges all
expressed appreciation and the Chief Justice and Head of the Judicial Training
Institute have discussed possibilities for future co-operation and training.
Perhaps the most exciting outcome was to see the judges grappling with their
changed role under the new constitutional dispensation (which some seemed not
to have fully grasped). We were particularly encouraged by the words of a judge
who express the view that, had the workshop come a week earlier, she may have
given a different judgment to the one she gave. It seemed clear that the judges
could benefit from further training in more general areas of human rights
adjudication such as application, limitations/proportionality and also in
relation to other topics such as unfair discrimination law, etc. We tried to
include many opportunities for discussion and these helped us engage with the areas
of content the judges felt they needed input on as well as to address their
B-6 South
South Africa has had their final Constitution since 1996 and there have been
numerous leading cases in which socio-economic rights have been adjudicated
upon. Despite this, there have been relatively few cases across 16 years and
many questions have been left undecided. It is thus necessary to develop the
jurisprudence in South
Africa in relation to these rights. The
focus of the South African project it was decided would thus be upon public
interest litigation in an undeveloped area relating to socio-economic rights.
Advocacy. Prof David Bilchitz,
the national coordinator, engaged with the Socio-Economic Rights Institute
(SERI) which is a leading human rights NGO in South Africa. SERI focuses on
litigation around socio-economic rights. SERI was appointed the implementing
partner in South Africa.
Public Litigation. In considering prospective litigation, it was
important to consider where the gaps were. There has been much litigation
around the right to housing. There has been some litigation surrounding health
and water. Yet, surprisingly, there has not yet been a case relating to the
right to food. It was decided to investigate the possibility of litigating a
case relating to the right to food.
Discussion surrounding the case began in early 2012 between the
Director of SERI, Jackie Dugard and Prof David Bilchitz. Jackie and David had
recognized some of the significant gaps that existed in the government’s
programmes relating to the right to food.
In May 2012, there was a conference on the Right to Food run by Prof
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (from the New School, New York) at the University of Cape Town.
The conference provided an opportunity to assess what was happening relating to
the right to food in South
Africa and identified several gaps that
existed in this regard.
In particular, the right to food is often realized through the
social security system. Thus, any litigation would have to engage with the
social assistance system. The South African government provides grants to
children (up to the age of 18) and older persons (from the age of 60). The
disturbing problem that we noted was that if one fell between the ages of 19
and 59, there seemed to be a gap in social security provision unless one was
disabled. After investigating, it was found that there was a grant called the
‘social relief of distress grant’ (SROD) available to persons in this age group
for a temporary period of 3 months to address people who were in a situation of
distress. If this grant were to be effective, it would possibly be able to
address the gap we had noted. However, in South Africa there is currently a
high rate of structural unemployment and thus the grant seemed badly designed
to address continued unemployment (being available generally only for three
months). It thus seemed to be focused on crisis situations rather than a
situation of chronic poverty. We had also heard from many organization that the
grant was not being made readily available to individuals and that it was not
being implemented. If one fell between 19 and 59, the reality was that one
could starve. In order to ascertain whether or not a successful legal case
could be made out, it was necessary to evaluate whether poor people could in
fact access the SROD grant. In order to do so, SERI together with Prof Bilchitz
agreed that grass-roots research needed to be conducted. The purpose of the
research was to ascertain whether poor people who were eligible for the grant
were able to access it and the response of officials to prospective grantees.
The research would track the position of people, their application and outcome.
A researcher has been appointed and is currently conducting research.
The research is not simply an academic study. It also has the aim of
helping to mobilize grass-roots community organizations behind the research. In
studies of successful socio-economic rights litigation, it has often been shown
that the litigation should not simply be an abstract legal challenge. It needs
to build social support behind it within poor communities as well as political
mobilization to be successful. SERI engaged with a community organization
(Abahlali baseMjondolo) who agreed to back the project and prospective
litigation. They would identify people in the age appropriate category and work
with the researcher to try and secure the grant.
The research is currently being conducted and will determine the way
forward in relation to this litigation.
It is too early to judge the outcome or impact of the research and
prospective litigation. Nevertheless, the potential of this case is very large
and this is why we believe it is worth investing in.
South African has lacked a comprehensive social assistance
programme. The Social Relief of Distress grant offers the possibility of
plugging the gap that exists in current provision. The grant, as it is
conceived is flawed in addressing the situation of people in permanent
desperation. Apart from this conceptual flaw, anecdotal evidence is that the
grant is not widely available. The aim of this process is to ensure either that
the SROD grant is made available to all or that the courts declare the current
scheme in violation of the socio-economic rights in the Constitution. Such
litigation would indeed be ground-breaking in South
Africa and help to establish an entitlement to a basic
social minimum which would prevent people from starving in South Africa.
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