Women at
Work. Women
make 46.9% of the employed population in Russia. The greatest
proportion of working women are in public
health service (85%), education (81%), credit and finance (78%),

Malevich, "Taking in the Harvest",
1911, Stedelijk, Amsterdam | |
and accounting services
(75%), whilst the lowest share is in the construction industry (22%).
" As in Soviet times, the majority of working women are trapped
in low-wage ghettos, such as medicine, education, and clerical
jobs. The difference is that Soviet-era perks, such as accessible
day care and child allowances, have evaporated" writes Fred
Weir in his article.
The principle of equal pay for equal work is in the constitution
but men prevail in leading positions and dominate among well paid
experts, so men's average wage is higher than women's and it seems
to increase even more with time.
There are protective laws prohibiting too hard jobs for women,
such as carrying too heavy weights, or working at night. You'll
see many women, though, working in the shops and in the metro past
midnight: the law allows 'temporary' contracts for such jobs. Pregnant
women or women with a child 1 to 3 years of age are strictly forbidden
to work at night. When a pregnant woman leaves her job to give birth
and look after her child, there is a 'requirement for a 3 year-paid
maternity leave for child care'. Therefore young women are discriminated
when applying for a job.

Deneika, 1926,
Tetryakov Gal, Moscow.
'At the construction of new factory shops' | | | |
Women make 45% of the unemployed population. Many women lost
their jobs after the end of Soviet Union. Also, like many men, some
educated women left their jobs themselves (because of lack of proper
payment) for other jobs where they don't put in practice their skills.
Some women stopped working and stayed at home, some women became
The age for pension is 55 years old for women, and 60 for
men. However State pensions are usually 1500 R/month (50$) which
is barely enough to eat for one month. Consequently many old women
find little jobs to earn a bit more.
from site http://www.ihfhr.org/reports/women/russia.pdf
quotes by Fred Weir (fweir at online dot ru).
Wedding, Russian Surname. The legal marrying
age is 18 years old for both men and women, but it is possible under
some special circumstances for a girl to marry at 16 of age.
Property acquired by spouses during marriage is their joint property,
unless stipulated differently in a contract between spouses.
The spouses can share their surnames after the wedding. The husband
can take the surname of his wife or vice-versa.The surname of a man
is feminised with the suffix -a to become a woman's surname:
for example if the husband is called Smirnof, the wife can change
her surname to Smirnova. The spouses can also keep their original
names. After divorce names can be kept or recovered.
In Russia, children are usually given a name, and a patronymic (derived
from the name of their father). For example Anna has a father called
Petr Pushkin, she will be called Anna Petrovna Pushkina.
Her brother will be called Stepan Petrovitch Pushkin. People
use more often their patronymics than their surname to present themselves
in official meetings.
Family Planning. Contraceptives and hormone containing remedies are relatively
expensive in Russia as the monthly average income salary is 1500
(54$) and a condom costs around 9 R (0,3$) and pills between 50 and
300 R (1,8 and 10$).
In Russia, abortion still remains the main method of birth control.
Abortion is legally permitted under the following instances:
at a woman's request within the 12th week of pregnancy; within 22
weeks if there are social conditions under which pregnancy, child
birth and child rearing would become a heavy burden for a woman; and
at any time if it is established that pregnancy could harm the health
of the mother or the child.
Russia's abortion rate is one of the highest in the world. For
every 100 births there are approximately 200 abortions.
Due to the lack of funds in the public health services it is not always
possible for a woman to have an abortion 'at her own will' free of
charge. An abortion costs 5$ in rural regions and 50$ in Moscow.
Programs of family planning were applied between 1992 and 1996, making
the number of abortions decline by 25% . But in the following years,
there were less or no funds put in the programs, because of pressures
mainly by religious groups, and the percentage of abortions raised
again. Sexual education is given since 1996 in schools in Moscow and
St Pet but not in every establishment
Comment (posted on 3/03/03): "Some
questions about Russian men from a western girl:
1) how are the Russian men?
2) how do the Russian men feel about foreign women?
3) I have heard about Russian men beeing promiscuous, is that true?
4) Are contraceptives considered positive by men? Condoms for example?
5) The young women were described vividly in various ways on this
site, how are the Russian men, really??"
1) Russian men are nice and warm creatures, but sometimes you may
not notice it at the first glance. Also, there are some pretty guys
around, but most of the men tend not to look after themselves as
much, as British men, for example. But, as I said, Russian men are
nice to their women anyway.
2) Russian men don't know much about foreign women, so they feel
they are strangers. But generally, there's a stereotype of foreign
women being used to comfortable life, and being independent, so
a normal Russian men will "play safe" and choose a Russian
woman instead. But this applies to middle-aged men only. I think
young people don't care, as long as they like somebody.
3) Oh, I don't know the word "promiscuous"... Ok, I looked
in dictionary, now I understand... Well, in other words, do they
like to sleep with many different women? Mmhh, I don't know, I don't
think it is something common. Who told you that?
4) Yes, sure, mostly condoms, as contraceptive pills are not widely
spread and don't protect as much as condom. However, there is a
common thing in Russians called "pofigizm", which means
something like "not caring about anything", so it's better
if you 've got one, cause your Russian mate may just forget...
5) This is a hard question, but wait... I believe I answered it
before... let me see...Yes, I found it, see Myths
and Truth section, answer to the comment sent on 10/11/2002.
Comment (received 4/03/02): "Instead of whining
about abortion in this country........ why don't the anti-choicers
promote contraceptive use and access in places like Russia?
Oh, I know why......because they're blithering idiots with piss
for brains."
Answer: Ok..
Comment (received 15/03/02): "I am an American,
that currently lives in South Korea. I have met many Russians here,
and fell in love with one (soon to marry). A lot of the information
here is accurate. I have found the Russians I've met to be very
interesting, open, funny, intelligent, socialable, and just all
around respectable people.
I've found many of the traditions and social customs at first strange,
but after becoming use to them, it is almost a foreign concept not
to do them. As far as Russian women go...I am whole heartedly in
support some of the best women in the world are Russian. I have
met all the "breeds/stlyes" mentioned in the marriage
section, but in general, I have found them to be sincere, honest,
and not out for just themselves. I could easily speak at length
of them, singing praises, but I don't have the time here and now.
I will say one of the things that has impressed me is the level
of their intelligence and education. Their open-mindedness is a
welcome change. And finally, they can work like a man, but no matter
what, they are a woman first and foremost. You will not mistake
them for anything other than a woman.
My experiences with the Russians
(both male and female) I have met has lead me to start studying
Russia, its language, culture, and history. All societies have their
negative points, Russia is no different, but I have found the Russian
people to be some of the best I have ever met. I say this after
having lived and traveled in 17 different countries.
To answer the 3/03/03 question as to Russian men being promiscuous,
yes they are. All men, from all countries, are to some extent. From
talking with both Russian men and women, I would say they (generalization)
are a cross between France's attitude and America's. But that is
not to say all are. Some are serious about their fidelity, some
not. Bluntly, they are people just like anyone else.
One word of advice for any who meet Russians, accept them and their
culture, learn from them and you will find your life changing in
many ways. I have had nothing but good dealings with the Russians
I have met and based on that alone, plan a recreational trip to
Russia in the next year or two. I will not say that about many of
the other countries I have visited (especially South Korea).
Comment (22/07/03): "Ok, this 'facts about
women' section is much better than the other article. I'm appeased.
Shoel, UK"
Answer: This is the person who didn't like our
Young Women article...
Comment (26/11/03): "Can you direct me to the section of Russian
law that deals with the name of the wife after marriage?
Jan "
Answer: You need to take a look at the Family
Codex of Russian Federation. Also, if you will be applying for
marriage at a Russian ZAGS (marriage registration office), they
will be able to provide you with this law.
Comment (13/01/04): "Im falling in love with Russian man, I want
to know, can I check his status?? Was he marriaged or single??
Im Thai girl"
Answer: It's very easy - every Russian citizen
has a Russian passport and if he or she is married there will be
a stamp confirming the marriage (date, ZAGS number, and name of
spouse). Don't mistake it with the registration stamp and a military
service stamp. When I have time, I'll scan my own passport to show
you what it looks like :-)
Unfortunately, if your man is in Thailand now, he is likely to
have a travel passport with him only, so you won't be able to check
it there.